How many of you love money more than emotions? - for the love of money bangbus watch online
How many of you, as the verse wise? Can it be justified under conditions.Just collect examples of everyday life.
What we do anything for money ?........ Boundaries of the cross as a great screen ?....... Sell your naked body with someone for a day ?...... Sleep ... or murder?
Money is the only thing that makes me happy. thats why the dying probably alone, but I was alone, before I had money.
Peace be with you.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Real and abstract. Nominal and seen. The air, though invisible, but true. The electrical current is invisible, but real, touching, their impact and cause of death.
Thus, the money is very concrete. The feelings are abstract. Select is a reality and not abstract.
Warahmatullahhi Wassalamu'alaikum Wabillahhitaufiq Walhidayah Wabarakatuh.
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